Thursday, February 5, 2015

Writers Dreaming

Thank you for taking the time to consider author Maya Angelou's ideas about how dreams play into the writing process. Please do a New Post to your blog  with your answers to 4-6 of the questions on the yellow handout I gave you. Your post should be a decent length (400-500 words) if you've provided thoughtful answers. Also include an image (of Maya, of something connected to dreaming or an aspect of one of your answers) on this post.  Please have this posted no later than the end of class on Monday, 9 February.

If you're interested in learning more about Maya Angelou, her interesting life and her beloved works, you can start at her official website. I  bought this t-shirt showcasing her autobiography (one of my favorite books) I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings from a little store downtown next to Maria's called 5# Apparel. Most of the proceeds the store nets are donated to charities around the world. You can also find the t-shirt and others featuring classic, challenged books (ones that have been put on banned books lists at one time or another) at Out of Print. Click the "Shop" link to get to the t-shirts--the site donates a book to Books for Africa for every purchase made. I'd like to do some thinking this week about books that have made a difference to us as people and as writers, and I wonder if you've read any of the classics featured on their other shirts...

Continue to customize your blog layout with gadgets in the right column, maybe a new background or header. Click on the Edit Profile link on your Dashboard and fill in the information about yourself. You can also have a look at your classmates' pages. If you're inclined to comment, be sure to be positive and supportive and write in the best English you can. Please don't be lazy and write in all lowercase with no punctuation, and don't leave only meaningless "what's up/i heart you" type comments.

I love that several of you mentioned you "dream" of becoming professional writers. Leave a comment here telling us why you'd like/not like to be a professional writer and/or what kind of writing you see yourself doing. Stephenie Meyer said on Oprah that she always heard that was an unrealistic, financially hopeless goal, but I hope that no matter what anyone says, if that's your dream, you go for it. Seems like you'd regret not trying more than you'd regret taking a shot at it...


  1. Being a writer is just one of my goals for the future. I already write and work hard to be a diligent and enthusiastic study when it comes to improving and continuing such work. I even have chapter one of my book posted to my account.

    Write well and think hard because every word is a brick for the building and you are the architect of it all.

  2. I think it would be really cool to be a bestselling author one day. I write a lot of stories, and even have a series going that - if I can ever get the beginning right - I would love to publish. I find myself writing fantasy a lot and would most likely be famous for that if I ever were published.

  3. I have always had a passion for writing, and it runs in my family. I have never committed myself to believing that it could actually blossom into a successful career. I hope that I will continue writing for the rest of my life, but I do not see myself doing it in place of a full time career. Mostly just something I will do to let my creative side show through, so that I will not lose it again.

  4. My passion for writing flourishes when I am writing about fictional stories, but I will also enjoy writing about nonfictional events/people/animals is I dearly care about them.

  5. As cliché as it is, I have always had a fascination with books, and writings, and authors. I love being able to explore their minds and fantasy worlds through their words. I want people to read my stories and my books and think the same thing. As long as I can remember I pictured myself in a small studio apartment writing everything I thought of, not for money or fame but because its a gateway. So yes I can picture myself as a full-time author one day.

  6. i wouldn't wanna be a writer because id never finish a book my brain is so adhd and id sit down to write and then id be like oh look a butterfly and would never sit back down to write

  7. I think it would be fabulous to be a published writer. I love to write, but I don't know that I could make a "professional" career out of it. I would feel to rushed. If I were to write any works for publication, they'd be pure, unadulterated works of fiction!

  8. I don't think that I would want to become a writer because although I love writing, I feel like I'm not good at using words. I also have a lot of thoughts running through my head and not enough time to write them down.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. If I were a writer I would probably write stories about love or just anything that came to my mind in that moment. I really admire how creative authors are and how much time they take to come up with something.

  11. I wouldn't want to be a writer professionally, I tend to not be able to write well when I have to. If I'll write, it'll most likely be when I have free time and want to.

  12. I would not like to be a professional writer because I stink at English and do not generally find it enjoyable. I prefer factual things such as science so I think that I would become bored with writing everyday.

  13. I really do not see myself becoming a professional writer. I always start a story but never finish.

  14. i do not see myself becoming a prof3essional writer, because writing is not my strongest subject.

  15. No, I do not see myself becoming a professional writer. I am not a very creative person.

  16. I couldn't see myself as a professional writer because I don't think I could come up with original ideas quick enough or popular enough to make a decent living.

  17. I couldn't see myself as a professional writer because I don't think I could come up with original ideas quick enough or popular enough to make a decent living.
