Friday, February 27, 2015


Today is the last day to post and earn points for any of the work connected to BOOKS/READING as writing inspiration.  Please circle any posts you do today on the grade check and give it back to me.  

I added spots for the work that will be turned in next week so you could see how your 3rd quarter grade might turn out--you should just have a line through those on your grade check and they haven't been counted against you obviously.  

We'll be moving on to FILM as inspiration next week and doing just a couple of posts (both due by the end of next week), and you'll turn in 20 new, full pages in your JOURNAL next Friday for an end of the quarter check.  

I will not be counting any work connected to the books theme that is posted after today. Please use your class time to take care of missing items and earn the best grade you can.

If you are finished with everything up to this point, you could find a quiet place to read or journal.  You could find some books to look at and write about, or look at books and make a list of writing ideas you might get from them.  

Have a great weekend!

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