Thursday, February 5, 2015

I Have a Dream...If I Were in Charge...

In the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s iconic "I Have a  Dream" speech, do some thinking about how you might shape the world if you could...what you would change or eliminate, what you would add or emphasize, what you would want for yourself and all of those you share this big place with.

Using the "If I Were in Charge of the World" poem by Judith Viorst as a starting point and a template, gather some of these ideas you have about what you'd like to see in a world of your own dreams or making. Polish and share your poem in a New Post on your own blog by the end of class on Monday, 9 February. Include at least one image, maybe several.  

After Monday we will be moving on to a new theme--books and how what we read shapes how and what we write--so please have all of the dream related assignments posted by the end of class Monday to receive points for them (dream questions, dream threads, Writers Dreaming/Angelou questions, Caged Bird inspired piece, If I Were in Charge poem).  

Thanks and keep dreaming!

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