Thursday, February 12, 2015

Memorable Passage

Post a passage (probably no more than a paragraph or so) from a book that was memorable to you. Type the passage in word for word and add some of your own thoughts (250 words or more) before and/or after, explaining why this particular set of words caught your attention or has stayed in your memory.  Title this post Memorable Passage.  Include an image with this post, too.

I write quite a bit on my own blog about what I read, if nothing else just to remember, but often to reflect on words that stuck with me. If you are so inclined or need some ideas about books to read or what you might write about reading, you can check out my posts here and here and here and here and here.  Also here and here.  But that's totally optional.

By the end of class today, be sure that you have posted this assignment, another post with some of your favorite quotes in general, and your responses to the Writers as Readers questions from yesterday, as well as leaving a comment on the I Write Like post on the class blog.  Enjoy your long weekend! Happy Valentine's Day! XOXO

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