Thursday, April 30, 2015

Beginning of the end...or end of the beginning

As we near our last days together as a class, here are some things to keep in mind:

Please have all blog posts completed by the end of class on Friday for points.  Look at your grade check to see what you're missing (I've also included the remaining assignments so you can see what other points you could earn/lose).

Use time in the lab today and tomorrow to print the items you need for your Altered Book project--letters, quotes, lists, your writing pieces, images, etc.

Plan to turn in your journal with at least 10 new full pages at the end of class on Monday.  You can do up to 5 more pages for extra credit if you'd like. (Seniors have a rehearsal for the Senior Recognition assembly at 1:30 on Monday.)

Your Altered Book is due at the end of class on Tuesday and will be returned to you with your final grade for the class on Wednesday.  If you happen to finish your book before then, please turn it in so I can get a head start on grading.

If you need to take the final, it will be a longer reflection post on your blog addressing several things about your work this semester.  I'll post the questions to the class blog next week.  You can come in at any time on Thursday to complete it.  If you have an A, you don't need to worry about it!  

Thanks for being such an awesome, creative, happy group!  We will miss you, seniors!

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