Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4 Songs Freewrites ---> Narrative Poems

In a New Post, write a narrative poem of 10 or more lines inspired by the one or more of the 4 songs we listened to in class on Tuesday (Three Libras by APC, You Shook Me by AC/DC, Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton, Golddigger by Kanye West). 

Include an image.  If you missed that class, you can look up those songs and listen to them on your own, or write a narrative poem inspired by a song of your choice.  Here's my example:

Shadow Lake—an hour from home
A summer night—I am 16.
I shouldn’t be here.  I am not allowed.
He broke up with me a month before
and hasn’t called since.
She came with me but
asks him to dance.
He is working so he says no
but laughs as she nudges his arm.
He is too old for me.
He has outgrown me.
I am vulnerable, stupid, young
and I feel like my fourth grade
flat-chested self.
I will go on to break hearts too
but for now I just want the pulsing music
to stop making my head spin
and for him to quit looking away from me,
through me, across the sweaty dance floor
at other girls, older, wiser than I.

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