Wednesday, April 8, 2015

101 Things About Me (You)

Please share your list of 101 Things about yourself in a New Post on your own blog.  

Your list might be a combination of short and long statements.  Some may be serious and important; others may be lighthearted or silly.  

If you are having trouble thinking of things, you might be able to use my list for ideas or you can Google "101 Things About Me" and read the lists of multiple bloggers who have created these.  Include images if you'd like to.

You may also have a few people in your life make a list of things they know/love/are fascinated by about you--you can include those lists in your own and put the author's name in parentheses after the statement.  

All MUSIC posts are due for credit by the end of class Thursday.  Your list of 101 Things is due by the end of class on Friday.

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