Thursday, January 29, 2015

Catch Move on

Sometimes a writer without a deadline can be a dangerous (or at least unproductive) thing...We are approaching mid-3rd quarter and will be ready to move on to a new theme this coming Monday, so I want to have everything we've done so far wrapped up.  Please use your grade check to see if there is any work you are missingand tie up any loose ends by the end of the block tomorrow, Friday, 30 January. (Notice the grade check does include the two New Posts on your blog assigned today that are also due by the end of the block tomorrow as well as your journal--these have not been counted against you even though there is a 0% there--no scores have been entered at all...same with the 3 color-inspired pieces you did earlier this week that I'll be looking at and scoring today).  If you do work you had a zero for, mark it on your grade check and give it back to me so I know to look for it.  

When we move on Monday to DREAMS and writing, I won't be counting points for stuff from the previous themes of objects and color anymore, whether you've been absent or just out of the loop somehow.   

Also:  I need to collect your JOURNAL tomorrow for a mid-quarter check.  After 4 weeks at 5 pages a week, you should have at least 20 full pages (10 points per page=200 points). Any extras you have can be counted toward the next check.  Some entries on time is better than nothing at all or all of it late.  Please turn in your journal before you leave class on Friday, 30 January.  Thanks!

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